Friday, June 13, 2008

The next Lance Armstrong...the female version...

I took Cat's training wheels off last night...and she was off...riding around and around the circle (our neighborhood) with her friend Kaleigh. And she was going fast!
I can't believe how quickly she caught on to the whole 2 wheel thing. (She did ride w/o training wheels back in December) She jumped on...had a little trouble getting the pedals started but when she got it she got it! Sometimes she just blows me away with the things she is able to do!
Calixto lamented that she didn't allow him the fatherly pleasure of holding her bike steady as she tried to balance and ride down the street!
Here is a video of her getting started...

It really was not midnight when we filmed this!! The video is showing up a lot darker than on my camera. Sorry, it isn't so clear!


Pauline said...

how cute, she is determined just like Brianna is! Brianna has not allowed Mark those pleasures either. She wants to be so independent, a good thing I guess

Bonnie said...

Way to go Cat!!!!! You did great!