Wednesday, January 23, 2008

This is such a good book, I highly recommend it for every family! We picked this up while in Minneapolis in the Fall. I still have not finished reading it but, absolutely love what he has to say. In the first chapter he cites several statistics from Barna that are just astounding! For example:

"According to researchers, between 70 and 88 percent of Christian teens are leaving the church by their second year in college." Another stat..."85 percent of 'born again teens' do not believe in the existence of absolute truth. Over 60 percent agree with the statement, 'nothing can be known for sure except the things you experience in your own life.' More than half of those surveyed believed that Jesus sinned during His earthly life!"

That is very alarming to say the least! This is not necessarily a how-to book although he has great suggestions...he does not say his way is the only way. He does point out that we must instill in our children a biblical world view. Without it they will be lost in this culture once they leave our homes. I appreciate the firm stand he takes on some issues that might step on people's toes and his gentle way of stating them. I have been discouraged, encouraged and convicted all at the same time while reading. This is not a book that I want to read and forget! I want to be very pro-active, making changes where necessary to help my children know, love and enjoy God forever!

(Stephanie-this is who we heard speak when Ted went with us to that youth camp in South Carolina)

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Sounds like a good one.