Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Clean Sweep of my garage

I spent all day working in our garage! I will hopefully be having a yard sale the last weekend in May. I've never done it before and I'm a bit nervous about it. There is just too much junk to throw into a landfill so we'll try to sell our "junk" instead. Soon we may have room enough to park a car in there...not sure I will though with all the rats!!! YUCK!!!
Now I need to venture into the maid's quarters to sort through the mess in there...if I'm brave enough! It is difficult to clean such places up since most of the stuff belongs to my pack-rat of a husband (today I inadvertently called him a pat-rack! I thought that was funny!!!) Anyway, I have sorted through lots of piles now he needs to go through things before I'm tempted beyond control to just chuck them! Right now we have piles in our bedroom, the office and now the garage...and I don't think he'll have any time to do any kind of sorting any time soon?!
This question kept going through my mind all day..."why on earth do we have sooooo many books??"


The Peacock Pearl said...

i'll be glad to help out the day of the garage sale (and before too). :)

uncle lew said...

BOOKS..speaking of books ..I found a box of your books in my attic and want to know what to do with them...Just chuck them?????? Let me know as the boys will be here Sat to bring everything to the garage to pack into the truck. If you want them I will put them on last so I can get them off first (hopefully at your house before we head to Okla.)

Brenda Arce said...

I'm sure I don't need books that I haven't missed for the past 15 years...you can chuck them!