Monday, July 02, 2007

For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken. On God rests my salvation and my glory; my mighty rock, my refuge is God. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us. Psalm 62:5-8 (ESV)

I can't believe we are already on verse 6 for our summer family memorization. We are all learning together and hiding God's word in our hearts, we have really enjoyed this. I usually go over the verses with the kids everytime we sit down to eat our meals. Calixto is usually on his own since he isn't home with us throughout the day. The challenge for him and me is that we may already know the scripture but, often we know it in a different version so, it takes some work to get the correct wording in the English Standard version. Christopher makes sure we say it word perfect!
Yesterday we visited another church in town, we know friends there and had a nice lunch with them afterward. We really hope that we can find a church home soon and begin to feel part of a body again. I must say that I have enjoyed driving to church together as a family. For some that may seem inconsequential but, it is a big thing to us. We are so used to taking 2 vehicles and leaving at 2 different times. Now on the way to church we practice our verses and enjoy the family time before worship. Catherine is doing pretty well sitting in the service. We give her strict guidelines to follow throughout the service...these have not been followed completely yet but, she is making progress and we are being consistent with what we expect from her. She loved yesterday's service saying it was very "cool".
For those of you not living in Texas, I think I may have seen Noah and the ark floating by!! It has rained so much, I think it may start raining soon, it just got very dark out. I can't even remember the last day we had without rain. Fortunately we aren't having floods like areas in North Texas and Oklahoma. It has kept our electric bills down too, so that is a good thing too. just started pouring!! Funny, we bought a heat inefficient house with a leaky roof and then had a very cold winter and a very wet spring!! If it would stop raining we could get the leaks fixed!!
My aunt and uncle came through for a quick visit on Friday. This is the Uncle that performed our wedding (12 years ago in 2 weeks). We had such a nice visit with them although it was way too short. They had their dog with them and Chessie loved the company, she was acting like her old self again! They left on Sat morning and my parents came that afternoon and left for NJ Sun morning. Two quick visits, I felt kind of like a bed and breakfast!
We bought some office furniture at Sam's yesterday so I'm going to try to put some together...


The Peacock Pearl said...

we have a pile of shingles that our past owners left benhind, want'em?

Brenda Arce said...

unfortunately the problem isn't with the shingles. There is a part of the roof that doesn't have enough of a pitch to use shingles...where the other roofs meet that one, that is where the problem is. Mark is going to put tar down where needed if it ever stays dry enough to do it.
thanks for the offer!