Friday, July 06, 2007

The big news of the is raining!


The Peacock Pearl said...

it's 3:51 and i just saw the sun for a split second....incredible, ain't it?

Brenda Arce said...

around that same time I did see the sun too!! I went up on the roof to sweep the water off (like I do everyday) and I saw dark clouds in the sky to the south...maybe that is all the rain for today...

Stephanie said...

I feel for you having the stress of a leaky roof during our rain forest season!!! Today was the clincher for me. I've been fine with the rain until now. Last night when I went to bed it was raining. Then when I woke up at 5 it was raining. Then when I woke up at 8 it was raining. Then all day it was raining! AHHHH! Our yard is just a blanket of water.