Tuesday, July 22, 2008

work, golf balls and money

For a couple of days last week Christopher went to work with Calixto. He worked hard and came home with several blisters to prove it. The amazing thing is work does wonders for him! His attitude was so good during the day and then when he came home he was such a delight! He loves to mow and does a great job at it. The time spent with Daddy sure was nice for him too! His allergies to a type of grass was pretty bad so they had to stop and buy some Zyrtec but, he continued on without complaint...what a trooper!
Yesterday, he played so nicely with Catherine...maybe the time away from his little sister was of benefit too. In the afternoon we went to the library to hand in their forms to complete their reading requirements. They were able to get a few more little trinkety toys, which seemed a bit more skimpy this year...anyway, I decided to stop by the Bargain center on the way home. Once again they had some great furniture but it was not priced yet...I'm sure it will be priced very high. But that is not why we went, christopher has been wanting a golf club just to hit balls around (like our neighbor does daily). Both kids picked out their $2 clubs and I bought a lite brite for Cat. She absolutely loves it! I thought it may help with her vision stuff as well.
For a while after dinner the kids were way in the back (so they wouldn't break windows) hitting their golf balls. They had so much fun together! What a great purchase! Evidently Christopher had hit a ball somewhere far and asked Cat to retrieve it...she so kindly did. Christopher decided that when she fell asleep he would pay her $2 for doing that for him! I'm not sure why he wanted to wait till she was asleep but, he waited then slipped into her room and left the money on her doll bed. Isn't that too sweet?
this morning she woke up asking where the money came from and did she have a loose tooth? I guess she thought the tooth fairy came a little prematurely. I'll let her brother explain the money if he chooses.
ok, I'm off to Walmart and old navy for school supplies/clothes...in four weeks we'll be back to school...oh my!


The Peacock Pearl said...

oh yikes! 4 weeks! do they wear uniforms at chs? i've been thinking of getting uniforms for us to, just so i feel more compelled to not slack off ;)


Looks like your summer will end before you know it and it's back to school - thanks for your warm wishes on being a grandmother - I'm Mom-Mom and I love it!!!! Yes, I can't wait to get my lips on that moose, named Braden!!!

Pauline said...

yes Brenda I know, I had the revelation of school coming soon and started making my list. Of course we start a little later, but still I can't believe how quick the summer goes!

are you teaching??? even more to get ready for...