Thursday, August 30, 2007

The first day of school was last Wed.
Christopher was really excited to go back. He has gotten up on time all week and has done a good job getting ready. I think he thrives under the structure and challenge of school. He did a lot of reading this summer but was beat out by a girl in class for the top reading spot. I am excited to see what God will do in him this year. There are now 4 families from the "southside" that attend CHS, we have a good car-pooling schedule and I only have to drive 4 times in a week. That is wonderful since it is a 20 minute drive. I went to curriculum night this evening and was reminded again of the blessing that CHS is for us. I am looking forward to spending more time at the school, volunteering since I have more time to do so this year.
Ok, this was the 2nd day but, I liked the picture better than the one I took the day before! Muy guapo!
What a pose?!
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Pauline said...

wow, Christopher, you are so handsome. I am still proud you made the second slot for reading.

Catherine, you are such a special blessing, what a story of your birth! Happy Birthday!!! you are growing strong and beautiful.

uncle lew said...

WHAT A POSE...makes me think of his mother and her "posing" along with her sister..HAHA if i knew how to pose a picture i think I'd dig out some of those pictures HAHA
You look so handsome and ready to take on that girl this year in reading. Don't tell her how many books you've read so she can't read one more....

Connie said...

Love the post. Christopher looks muy guapo, en vedadero! (not sure if that's kosher spanish or not)
I had to laugh at your comment on my blog. Dixie always looks guilty! I think she knew someone was in trouble, and she didn't want it to be her!