Friday, February 15, 2008

God is so good and faithful!
This week was in-house registration for CHS. If we didn't pay the reg. fee on time we would have to pay an additional $300 per child. We didn't have the fee necessary to register and so prayed that God would provide it. On Wed I was getting a bit nervous since Thu was the deadline. I received a call from school reminding me of the impending deadline and explained our situation. The administrator said she would be praying with us too.
That morning (Wed) Calixto had already picked up the mail on his way out to work, I didn't know this and went to check it myself. Inside was a check from a client, enough to register Christopher. The envelope was all crumbled, nearly ripped in half and put in a plastic bag from the post office...I guess the post man delivered it later than the other mail?!
When Calixto came home from work I explained that we had half the money and the fact that someone had so kindly offered to loan us the money until we received it. As I was telling him this he pulled out another check and enough cash to equal the amount needed for Catherine's registration. God had provided the exact amount needed...with $5 to spare!
We testified to God's goodness and provision at dinner that evening and the kids were so very excited and thankful!

1 comment:

The Peacock Pearl said...

that's awesome!